While respectful service to our customers reflects concern for meeting their needs, our employees also show their care for the community through volunteer service and monetary donations. One of our most popular volunteer opportunities doesn’t require money or manual labor: It’s giving blood.
Angela Kirchgesner donates blood
One employee who routinely donates at our quarterly on-site blood drives is Mortgage Funding Specialist Justin Graves. He says: “I give because I would expect anyone who can, should! I always think about it as if it was a family member or a friend who needs blood. And honestly, I don’t care if I know the person or not. When the Blood Center needs blood, I want there to be plenty on hand, instead of someone being told, ‘Sorry, we don’t have your blood type on hand.’”
Charlie Kerwin, senior vice president, Information Technology explains why he gives blood: The biggest reason for me is that my nephew, Nate, who is two days older than my son, Wil, had leukemia. I gave periodically before that but have been doing it religiously since then.”
Angela Kirchgesner, of our Accounting Department, shares this: “Donating blood is important to me because I know that someday I or someone I care about might need a blood transfusion, and I want to do my part in ensuring there is a supply. It takes very little time, it doesn’t really hurt, and it saves up to three lives each time I give. (Plus, you get awesome snacks afterward!).”
Rare Blood Type Makes Giving Extra Important
Insurance Specialist Hope McKenzie gives blood because, she says, she’s able to help many people. It’s something that is easy, doesn’t take much time, and it costs her nothing but a little extra blood. Having blood type Rh negative – a rare blood type – she knows blood centers are always in need of her blood. After giving what’s in her heart, Hope always has a “feel good” moment after donating . . . plus often gets a free t-shirt. Win! Win!
Since 2009, INB staff have donated 519 units of blood. Those units have helped 1,557 critically ill patients in Central Illinois. We host four drives per year with an average of 17 donors per drive. Krista Jiroutek, recruitment development coordinator for the Central Illinois Community Blood Center, says, “Resolve to give this new year! Each donation impacts the lives of three critically ill patients in hospitals. Give at all four INB blood drives this year and you will help 12 patients in central Illinois.”
INB’s first blood drive of the year is Thursday, Jan. 18 from 11 am – 2 pm at our downtown Springfield conference center at 431 S. Fourth St.
Our blood drives are just another way we show our community and the people who live in it that they are very important to us