Senior dreams of future at University of Illinois
Dee Pedersen /
VP, North Dirksen Branch Manager
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Corey Beccue, a stand-out senior at Mount Pulaski High School, now can add Senior-of-the-Month to his list of accomplishments. That list includes placing first and third place on individual tests in Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (WYSE) Regional, third team WYSE Regional and Sectional, and second individual in Science Olympiad Regional. He is also a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, Scholastic Bowl, class officer, chess club, band, Active Catholic Teens group and golf, track and field teams.
Corey hopes to attend the University of Illinois next fall to pursue a degree in ag engineering.
Corey, son of Jeff and Jeanie Beccue of Mt. Pulaski, was chosen as the November Senior-of-the-Month by faculty and staff based on the criteria of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
The Senior-of-the-Month Program is sponsored by Johnson True Value Hardware and Larry Conaway Jr. Monthly winners receive a $100 award paid to the college the winner plans to attend. Monthly winners are also in the running for the $500 Senior-of-the-Year Award sponsored by Illinois National Bank.