Can’t find your debit card?
Now with INB’s new online banking system, you don’t have to worry about what might happen to your debit card when it’s out of your hands – lost or forgotten.
INB is converting our online banking platform on October 17, making banking even easier for you! That means you’ll have access to new features, such as the ability to turn your debit card on and off directly from your online banking portal.
“The ability to turn off your debit card gives you peace of mind when you accidentally leave it at the restaurant the night before or misplace it when you put it in your coat pocket while pumping gas and forget to return it to your wallet,” said Jamie Singer, vice president, Treasury Services Manager.
Each of INB’s new enhancements to online banking keeps our system at the forefront of security and convenience for your accounts.
“Concerning debit card fraud, this is another security feature to reduce that risk for our customers. Customers will be able to log in their online banking via the website or mobile app and turn their card on or off,” Jamie explained.
Each account will initially have this feature enabled solely with the debit card in the name of the person who opened the account. If you’d like to enable this feature for additional debit cards tied to the account, contact the bank for assistance.
It’s also important to know that even if you turn your debit card off, automatic payments previously set up will still be paid.
“For our customers who use automatic payments for things like their phone bill, cable, or something like Netflix, those payments will still go through, even if the card is turned to ‘off’ status,” Jamie said. “The system knows those transactions have already been authorized by the cardholder and will be approved.”