Since Steve Keenan and John Wilson, started in the commercial loan department five years ago, INB has experienced exciting expansion into Bloomington and Champaign.

2nd qtr service anniversaries 2016“Due to quick and enormous growth, we opened a loan production office in Bloomington within 24 months and are now purchasing and renovating a full retail branch this summer (2016),” said Keenan, vice president of commercial lending. “I’ve also been excited to see INB open a space in Champaign this year with (lender) Evan Westlake spearheading that growth.”

INB commercial loans have increased from $280 million to more than $566 Million since 2011, and what makes Keenan most proud of the milestones over the last five years is that the growth was only possible because of unity and collaboration among the entire loan department.

“Everyone at INB – from the lenders, underwriters, loan committee, senior management and board of directors – has been working together for these results,” he said. “Humility is a rare quality that I have not seen at other places I have worked. Witnessing and playing an integral role in this teamwork is probably the single best thing about working at INB.”

Wilson and Keenan have both been at INB for five years now and are just two of INB’s team who celebrated service anniversaries in the 2nd quarter of 2016. Couriers Victor Pambianco and Gary Smith are also commemorating five years with INB, while Brenda Tuttle and Patricia Owens are celebrating 15 years at the bank.

Consistent teamwork is a trait found not only in the commercial department at INB but throughout the departments and branches as well. Tuttle, vice president of business solutions, said she has developed lasting relationships with both coworkers and customers.

“I have a strong connection to the people I work with at INB; we are a cohesive group that works hard to find good solutions for customers. I know I can trust them to get the job done and rely on their experience and knowledge,” she said. “My coworkers and our customers are driven, intelligent people who strive to make Springfield a great place to live and work.”

Courier Gary Smith has similar thoughts about the people and businesses in the Peoria area. He said he loves the friendly-family atmosphere at the bank, and he has enjoyed developing relationships with the customers on his route.

Wilson, chief lender and executive vice president, has been impressed with the way the team at INB capitalizes on individual strengths to produce better outcomes.

“Our lenders are very approachable and work well with the credit department. This is a unique situation; in most institutions, lenders and credit don’t interact very well,” he noted.

More open communication between bank staff and increased interaction with both customers and potential clients is a noticeable change from Wilson’s first day five years ago, and he said he looks forward to many more years of growth with INB.

“I have been fortunate to have joined a great senior management team. I think we all feel like we have an open door policy, and we want to help solve problems so that everyone can feel comfortable about coming to us with any problems,” he said. “I work with a great team at INB and look forward to the future.”