Wabash Grand Opening 7.12.05 005Before we could do our banking by phone, there was INB’s Cash Cruiser. By connecting the ATM inside the Cruiser to a phone line, we could provide mobile, temporary and onsite ATM services. In 2005, the truck went high-tech thanks to wireless technology that cut the phone cords.

INB’s Mike Jones says that with the advent of wireless, “Now we could go practically anywhere.” INB retired the truck in 2008, but we still have a portable ATM using wireless routers, and we take it to about 12 not-for-profit events per year. “No other bank in this town has the ability or willingness to do so,” says Mike.

Today, INB customers can use 25,000 ATM machines nationwide at no cost. We’re now part of the MoneyPass network. Click here to find a MoneyPass ATM near you.