When you think about a checking account you probably think of it as a place where you put money that you have plans to spend. And savings accounts? That’s where you put money you want to accumulate over time.
Well, what if your checking account could save you money? I mean, actually help you spend less or encourage savings?
You can with INB checking accounts. With each account, we offer programs to save. To use the programs, you need to take action.
BaZing – You need to use BaZing’s website or mobile app
BaZing provides money-saving coupons and discounts through a mobile app and on bazing.com. You have to activate your account with BaZing to get and use the savings and benefits. You can activate one of two ways:
- Visit our website and complete the activation process.
- Email us at customer service here. Please provide your e-mail address, type of mobile phone (i-Phone, Android, or other) and mobile phone number.
With either method, you’ll receive a code via text message that will allow you to complete the registration process.
Once activated, customers with our Power and Power Plus checking account have the security and protection of these benefits:
- A cell phone replacement benefit
- ID theft assistance
- Roadside assistance
- Travel accidental death insurance
- Pharmacy, vision and hearing savings
For a complete description of the benefits, visit this link.
ALL checking account customers have access to BaZing savings coupons. To use a coupon, simply show it to the participating vendor right from your phone. Or go to Bazing.com and print the coupons you’d like to use. You can also shop online and use the coupon codes provided at BaZing.com to get your discount.
Pocket Change – You need to sign up
With Pocket Change, you can move money to another account each time you use your debit card. We’ll round each debit card purchase up to $9, and move the difference to your savings account. It’s that simple. Over time, watch your pennies grow and your savings balance increase.
To make this happen, you have to enroll and designate the account you want the Pocket Change to go to. Simply call 217-747-5500 or talk to your banker next time you stop by the bank, and we’ll get you enrolled.