If you want to meet someone who regularly finds the positive in things, meet Stacy Borho, INB mortgage lender in Peoria. Some examples? She regularly shows people who may not qualify for a home loan what they can do to make homeownership possible. She helps grant wishes through the Make-A-Wish foundation. She uses her vacation time to serve on mission trips. That’s a lot of good from what might be considered bad.
And now, Stacy, an INB mortgage lender in Peoria, has another glass of lemonade to enjoy. This time? Marriage.
As Stacy says, “I got married during this lovely virus via Zoom.” Her original wedding date was May 2.
“We were supposed to get married at Starved Rock (IL State Park),” she says, “but everything started shutting down a long time ago. When our honeymoon even got cancelled, we worried we would be quarantined away from each other.”
With her fiancé, Matthew Wolak, in Milwaukee and Stacy in Peoria, that wasn’t going to work. And then there was the worry of even being able to get a marriage license.
Presenting the Bride and Groom
Stacy explains what happened next: “Thankfully Washington County, WI allowed us to apply online for our license and someone even met us in parking lot to do the swearing in. The following week, we got married in the lobby of Matthews’s apartment in Germantown, WI. Matthew’s pastor did marry them, and his aunt and uncles served as witnesses.
Stacy adds, “Around 30-40 people joined us Friday, April 3rd for our 25-minute Zoom wedding.” The intimate group even included many from the INB Peoria Branch who Stacy says, “are like family to me.” 
As the ceremony wrapped up, Stacy says the pastor asked to take some pictures outside since it was such a beautiful day. To Stacy and Matthew’s surprise, a handful of vehicles filled with friends and family were lined up outside to cheer on the newlyweds.
“This brought tears to our eyes and joy to our hearts,” says Stacy.
As for her quarantine time in Wisconsin, Stacy notes she really appreciates INB’s support. “A big shout out to INB and Pat Phalen, who said, ‘Whatever it takes to keep you Stacy. We support you and you can stay even working from Wisconsin.’” She concludes, “Another reason why I love INB.”
Stacy’s NMLS# is 689948.