INB staff members really appreciate the benefits provided by some INB checking accounts. Adrian Lance of our Chatham, IL branch recently shared how he used the roadside assistance benefit when his car puttered out on his way to work. But cell phone protection is very popular with other employees. As with most things, there are terms and conditions, and we’ve listed those at the end of this post. But read our staff stories and consider applying for an INB Power or Power Plus checking account. Both accounts come with this great benefit provided by BaZing!
Donna Smith, Customer Relationship Officer
“I have had the opportunity to use the cell phone protection benefit two times over the last three years. My son’s phone has been damaged twice; the first time he found it in the driveway; it had been run over.
The other time it was sitting on a cooler. When the lid was opened, the phone went in the lake. I submitted the deductible that I paid to replace the phones and BaZing reimbursed $62 each time (this was less the $50 co-payment per claim) . . . It was nice to receive some reimbursement towards the deductible that was paid to replace the phones.”
Jamie Singer, Vice President, Deposit Operations
“As we all know, COVID-19 hit in March, and boy did it hit us all hard. A month into lockdown everyone in the Singer family were a little stressed. The Saturday before Easter, when the Easter bunny was supposed to be working hard making deliveries, instead the bunny was talking with her then 8th grade son about his school work, and how we all hate COVID just as much as he does.
“The conversation was all but fun, as both of us were completely over ‘homeschooling.’ He never thought he would miss school; he was ready to get back to his sports and social life. At the end of the conversation, we were both frustrated, and he “dropped” his phone. Let’s just say it was a frustrated “COVID” drop – I completely understood his frustration! His phone screen cracked, and broke the LCD.
“We have insurance on his phone through our phone carrier. Monday a new phone appeared, but the “drop” still costs him $199.00 out of his wallet. To help him out, I filed a BaZing cell phone claim, and 6-eight weeks later a $149 check was mailed to us for the cell phone coverage. It was a tough lesson, but it was great to have BaZing loosen the ‘drop’ a little to an only $49 loss.
“For now, we have been ‘drop’ free since the new school year began, but we are still ‘homeschooling.’ And I know that if something happens within the next year, I can have one additional claim. ;) Hang in there everyone!”
Activate your BaZing account. If you need help or have questions, reach out to our Customer Care Center.”
Kelly Raison, Retail Operations and Process Improvement Manager
“I have three boys, so the fact that I use the Cell Phone Protection shouldn’t surprise anyone! Last year I had two phone get damaged (of course it wasn’t their faults, LOL). For both, I put $450 (the maximum BaZing benefit amount) towards the purchase of the new phone, the reminding cost of the phone went on AT&T’s payment plan.
“All I had to do was submit a claim to BaZing, and the company reimbursed me $400 both times! Tell customers this story because with the Power Checking account maintenance fee at $5/month, That’s $60 for the year but saved me $800!”
The Details
To use this benefit, you must pay your cell phone bill using your INB Power or Power Plus checking account. Also note:
- Protection begins the first day of the calendar month following the payment of your cell phone bill using the eligible INB checking account associated with your BaZing membership. If you fail to make a cell phone bill payment in a particular month, your protection is suspended. Coverage is reinstated the first of the month following the phone bill payment.
- Coverage is for the primary cell phone and up to two secondary phones listed on the cellular billing statement.
- You will be assessed a $50 co-payment per claim which BaZing will deduct from your reimbursement.
- You can make two claims per 12-month period and will be reimbursed a maximum benefit of $400 per claim and $800 per 12-month period.
- Only cellular phones purchased by INB Power and Power Plus checking account holders are eligible.
- Specific exclusions include pre-paid or “pay-as-you-go” phones, cosmetic damage that does not impact the phone’s ability to make or receive calls, damage resulting from abuse or normal wear and tear, phones not purchased from a cellular service provider retail store or authorized reseller or internet store.
Making a Claim
Since BaZing’s cell phone benefit is an insurance plan, you submit a claim when you need to use the coverage.
To submit a claim, notify BaZing by calling 855-822-9464 within 60 days of the phone being stolen or damaged. Or, simply download a claim form at Be sure to completely fill out the form and provide all required documentation. Documentation includes*:
- A copy of your checking account statement reflecting your cell phone payment.
- A copy of your cell phone bill reflecting this payment.
- A receipt for the repair or for the purchase of your replacement phone. If the phone is damaged, you must attempt to have it repaired first.
- If the phone can’t be repaired, submit signed documentation from a certified repair facility that the damaged phone could not be repaired.
- A copy of a police report if the phone was stolen.
*For a complete description of the required documentation, visit the “Protection” category of