Networking is a powerful resource, and Noah Curl learned just how powerful when he got involved in the Champaign-Urbana community.

Noah, a relationship banker in Champaign, used several of his connections to plan a blood drive for the local blood bank, ImpactLife. He was able to quickly pull something together thanks to his involvement with the Champaign-Urbana Jaycees. He tells this story:
“When I first started working at INB, my manager (Branch Manager) Andi Whalen, was the president of the Bloomington-Normal Jaycees. I had only lived in Champaign for a few months. Andi wanted to help me get involved in the community and meet people, so she invited me to come with her to a social put together by the Champaign-Urbana Jaycees. At the social, we met Lanna Bartko, the president of the CU Jaycees.
“Soon after, Lanna became a relationship banker here at INB. Working closely with both Andi and Lanna, I was able to see all the work they put into the Jaycees and everything the organization did for the community. Throughout Lanna’s first year with INB, I often joined her in attending Jaycees socials and helped her out with projects. I eventually decided to make it official and become a member myself. I have now been on the board of the Champaign-Urbana Jaycees as their treasurer for about a year.”
Connecting Entities
In October of last year, Noah began delivering blood for ImpactLife. He says that while he worked there, he learned more about the process of donating blood and how critical the need is.
“I got the idea to do my own blood drive when I heard that INB has their own blood drives with ImpactLife. I was able to put this blood drive together by using my resources at INB and ImpactLife, but none of this would be possible without being a part of the Illinois Jaycees and having a network of people and information backing me up.”
INB provides paid time off to its employees for volunteer events such as blood donations.
Learn more about INB career opportunities.
About the Blood Drive
- June 13 – 19, 2022
- Call 800-747-5401 to schedule an appointment, or use the scheduling tool on the center’s website.
- Provide the Group Code 61461, and your donation will count towards Noah’s efforts.
- Impact Life Blood Centers are located in Urbana, Peoria and Springfield.
- All donors will receive a voucher for a gift card from ImpactLife.
For people in need, donated blood can change everything. Blood products are used to treat cancer, chronic diseases, and traumatic injuries. These treatments are possible with the help of volunteer blood donors.