Kelley Himmelberg’s favorite volunteer opportunity rolls around every fall and spring.
The United Way’s Day of Action is a global effort, bringing together volunteers to give back to their local communities and partner with local nonprofits for improvement projects. Seeing hundreds of volunteers show up to give their time and energy always inspires her.
Kelley is especially proud of INB’s involvement over the years.
“Bringing in a group of a dozen volunteers from INB can get some of these projects knocked out in a four-hour period. Each charity sponsor is so grateful for the help, and we are fortunate to have great INB staff that want to give back to the community,” she says.
Kelley, INB’s HR Director, has been a long-time driver for community change through United Way, serving on the INB United Campaign Committee for 23 years. And now she is excited for the chance to serve the organization in a new role: Kelley is joining the United Way Board of Directors!
Already Using HR Skills
“I am eager to learn how the board can support the small but mighty staff of United Way,” she says. “I have also been appointed to the Human Resource Committee, where we are helping develop policies and procedures that comply with state and federal regulations.”
Kelley’s involvement with United Way started by serving on a committee that allocated donated funds to the agencies.
“I quickly realized the extent to which the agencies present detailed budgets to receive funds to support their charity. The donated funds received by United Way are managed well, and the needs of the community are apparent,” Kelley shares.
Kelley Leads UW Charge at INB
And as part of the INB United Campaign Committee, she helps to organize INB’s involvement with United Way. INB employees hold United Way rallies and participate in the Days of Action.
INB also matches employee contributions and is an administrative sponsor. This sponsorship allows all employee donations to go directly to charities, with the bank helping to support the United Way administrative costs.
“I am so proud of what INB employees have accomplished with our giving to the United Way,” Kelley says.
This year, INB is hosting a United Way Pacesetter Campaign running Sept. 18-22. Centered around a fun Spirit Week, there will be daily themes and activities to bring INB staff together around the common goal of raising money for the charities served by United Way.
“We are excited to bring attention to our cause. We have many new employees here at the bank, and we want to ‘pass on’ the tradition of giving back to our local communities,” Kelley shares.