You will find the profile section of digital banking on the upper, left-hand section of your web page. You will see a cog icon and read: “Manage Profile.” This is where you can make setting changes like update your contact information, change your online banking dashboard, and update your security questions. 

Sub-user Settings

You’ll find the sub-user feature in your profile. To add a sub-user, contact our Customer Care Center at 1-877-771-2316 or complete the form found in the message section of your digital banking portal.

Change Your Email Address

  1. Click on the Welcome screen
  2. Click on the arrow to the right of the email address
  3. Click “Change email address” Type in the new address
  4. Choose Save.

Here’s a short video that will also walk you through the steps:

Touch ID

Touch ID is available for Apple and Android users. Just follow the in-app prompts found under the security tab.

SMS Texting

Text banking lets you get information by sending a text message. Follow these steps to set up the service on your phone: