Community First in the Markets We Serve

Since the day we opened, our community has been center stage in our actions. Whether our support has come in the way of serving on the board of an organization or making business loans, we’ve always questioned how that support would affect the places where we live and work.

As INB has spread its services into areas outside of our headquarters, we’ve made sure we could continue to bring the concept of community service with us.  We’ve done this by hiring people who are imbedded in the communities where they work and who have shown their commitment to support those communities.  They’re on civic boards, active in the Chamber of Commerce, and routinely plan and take part in charitable fundraisers. Most importantly, many are raising families in these communities.

Headquartered in Springfield, Ill., it’s easy to look to our favorite son, Abraham Lincoln, for inspiration. His integrity and strong principles guided him as he served his fellow citizens as a lawyer; he carried these traits with him as he began his presidency. INB will continue to put community first wherever our growth takes us. Growth gives us the opportunity to help more communities and people, but we’ll only do that if we can maintain our own high standards as to what it means to be part of a community.
